We are a community.

YOU are a part of this community.

Mindful Sport Parenting is an evidence-based community of practice for connection, discussion and guiding effective SPORT PARENTING.

We are a judgment-free community navigating the maze of parenting together in the context of youth sport with PURPOSE, INTENTION and CLARITY.

 Mindful Sport Parenting improves athlete’s growth, benefits their development, and enhances their journey, as well as SPORT PARENTS, through the youth sport experience.

Mindful Sport Parenting


an action, thought and emotion – it is what parents DO, SAY, THINK and FEEL
in their role in the context of SPORT as it relates to their CHILD(REN)’s athletic journey.



Mindful Sport Parenting is a community of practice that is built on these three pillars:



the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists – the objective of intention;
desired result;
a reason for doing something, function, role, use – what something is used for;
the reason that something exists or is done, made, used;
intended or desired result, end, aim or goal



a thing intended;
a goal, an aim or a plan;
the plan in one’s mind to do something;
the plan desired to be achieved



the quality of being clear, coherent and intelligible;
the quality of transparency or purity;
quality of being easy to understand, see or hear;
clearness or lucidity as to perception of understanding;
freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity